Rotunda v Selu is a unique Romanesque brick rotunda in Slovenia with early Gothic painting. The frescoes from the 14th century offer a glimpse into the past of artistic expression.

Legend holds that the church first belonged to the Knights Templar. Besides the magnificent Romanesque architecture the round church (rotunda) preserves two layers of wall paintings, which endow it with supraregional importance. The rotunda is said to have come into being in the first half of the 13th century (1205-1235). The architectural features of this round shrine indicate that it is most probably the remainder of a much larger medieval building complex. The composition "Journey and Reverence of the Three Wise Men", dating from the 14th century, remains from the first layer of painting. The artistic character is also exemplified by a fresco of the Passion, dating to about the year 1400.
Entering the rotunda symbolizes Christ's arrival to Jerusalem.
Contact information
Selo 0
9207 Prosenjakovci
+386 (0)2 538 15 20
Business hours
Tourist Information Center Selo
TUE - SAT: 10:00 - 18:00
MON and SUN: closed
Despite the closure of TIC Selo, the Kančevci Parish allows guided tours of the rotunda on Sundays between 10:00 and 18:00.
TUE - SAT: 10:00 - 16:00
MON and SUN: closed
Despite the closure of TIC Selo, the Kančevci Parish allows guided tours of the rotunda on Sundays between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m.
During this time, tours are only possible for pre-announced groups with a minimum of 10 visitors. Please announce your arrival at least 3 days in advance.